Cayucos Sustainable Water Project Water Resource Recovery Facility
Project Details
- 14- and 16-in HDPE brine intake and effluent pipelines
- Twin 1100-ft crossings of Toro Creek
- Mitigate impact to extensive 100-year flood zones
Geotechnical Conditions
- Soft clay transitioning to hard rock
- Extensive gravel and cobbles
- High groundwater
- Constrained work areas and narrow easement
- Mitigate impact to nearby residence
- Difficult geotechnical conditions
Project Overview
BTE served as a trenchless subconsultant to Ashley and Vance Engineering, Inc. and Water Systems Consulting, Inc. for the design of a 1,100-foot HDD crossing of Toro Creek. The 14-inch and 16-inch pipelines were influent and effluent lines for the Cayucos Wastewater Reclamation Facility. Project challenges included very loose to loose soils on one side of the crossing and hard rock on the other. BTE provided trenchless specifications, performed trenchless design calculations, developed cost estimates, provided a surface spill and hydrofracture contingency plan, and reviewed submittals and RFIs during the construction phase of the project.
Project Details
- 14- and 16-in HDPE brine intake and effluent pipelines
- Twin 1100-ft crossings of Toro Creek
- Mitigate impact to extensive 100-year flood zones
Geotechnical Conditions
- Soft clay transitioning to hard rock
- Extensive gravel and cobbles
- High groundwater
- Constrained work areas and narrow easement
- Mitigate impact to nearby residence
- Difficult geotechnical conditions
Project Overview
BTE served as a trenchless subconsultant to Ashley and Vance Engineering, Inc. and Water Systems Consulting, Inc. for the design of a 1,100-foot HDD crossing of Toro Creek. The 14-inch and 16-inch pipelines were influent and effluent lines for the Cayucos Wastewater Reclamation Facility. Project challenges included very loose to loose soils on one side of the crossing and hard rock on the other. BTE provided trenchless specifications, performed trenchless design calculations, developed cost estimates, provided a surface spill and hydrofracture contingency plan, and reviewed submittals and RFIs during the construction phase of the project.