NASTT Good Practices Guidelines
NASTT NoDig Conference Proceedings
- Challenging Site Leads to Unique Jacking Shaft Design
- Extensive Monitoring of Complicated HDD Protects Scenic California Coastline
- Parks and Recreation – Designing a Large-Diameter HDD Crossing in San Diego’s Balboa Park
- Snaking a Pipe Replacement Through a Constricted Area
- HDD Hydrofracture: Roots of the Model We Use (But Don’t Understand)
- Geotechnical Exploration and Modeling for HDD Design in Cobble-Rich Deposits Below I-5/Sacramento River Near Redding, California
- Emergency Replacement of Effluent Outfall Pipeline in 101 Days
- Improving the Standard of Mud Management
- Fifty Feet of Peat: Design Challenges for Three HDD Crossings of the Sacramento River
- The Search for G: Selecting Shear Modulus for Use in Hydrofracture Analysis
- Trenchless Considerations for Flood-Protected Areas
- Large-Diameter HDD Project for LAVWMA Project Western Terminus
- HDD Crossing Under Environmentally Sensitive Slough: Mitigation of Hydrofracture Risk
- 20 Years of Perspective: Design and Construction Professional’s Views on Improving Microtunneling
- 27,500 feet of Microtunneling Solves Complex Puzzle in Sacramento
- Design-Build Contract Minimizes Cost and Schedule for HDD Installation
- Step-by-Step Method for Evaluation of Hydrofracture Risks on HDD Projects
- Analysis and Mitigation of Settlement Risks in New Trenchless Installations
- HDD Design and Construction Challenges: Netarts Force Main
- From One Extreme to the Other: Challenges with Microtunneling in Very Soft Soils and Hard Rock
- Common Challenges and Unique Solutions on a 1,500 Foot HDD Crossing
- Starting Off on the Wrong Foot: Problems with Microtunneling Shafts
- Microtunneling Beneath the American River for the Howe Avenue 54-inch Water Transmission Main
- Construction of Beaver Water District Microtunneled Intake Pipelines and Intake Shafts through Karstic Limestone
- American River Crossings Then and Now
- Microtunneling from Deep Shafts in Karstic Limestone with Underwater MTBM Retrieval
- Woodside Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation for South Placer MUD in Rocklin, CA
- Jacking Loads and Ground Deformations Associated with Microtunneling
- A Review of Jacking Forces by both Theoretical and Empirical Methods as Compared with 20 Years of Practical Experience
- Results of Controlled Field Tests of a Retrievable Microtunneling System with Reaming Capabilities
Northern California Pipe User’s Group
- Gas Pipeline Relocations Require Multiple Trenchless Technologies for Crossing I-80 and I-680
- Keynote Address: Top 10 Recommendations for Improving Microtunneling Design Practice
- Tunneling to Save Power Costs”, Proceedings, Northern California Pipe Users’ Group 16th Annual Sharing Technologies Seminar, Berkeley, CA February 21, 2008
ASCE Pipelines Proceedings
- Step by Step Evaluation of Hydrofracture Risks for HDD Projects
- Innovative Record Length Twin 60-Inch Microtunnel Drive Beneath US 50 and High School in West Sacramento Combine Direct-Jacked Carrier Pipe and Casing and Carrier in Single Drive
- Large Diameter Pipe Design under Urban Constraints.
- Evaluation of Retrievable Microtunneling System, Proceedings, ASCE 1995 Annual Construction Congress, San Diego, CA, Oct 1995
Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) Proceedings
- New Cutter Soil Mixing (CSM) Technology Used to Construct Microtunneling Shafts for Mokelumne River Crossing, 2009.
- Fifty Feet of Peat! Design Challenges of Three HDD Crossings of the Sacramento River, Western Regional Trenchless Review, 2012.
- Large-Diameter HDD Project Completes LAVWMA Pipeline, Western Regional Trenchless Review, 2011.
- How the HDD Good Practices Guidelines Have Evolved, Trenchless Technology Magazine, 2011.
- Improving Microtunneling Design Practice, A Contractor’s Perspective”, Trenchless Technology Magazine, 2011.
- Coordination with Environmental Agencies Key to HDD Project Success”, Western Regional Trenchless Review, 2009.
- New CSM Shaft Construction Method Debuts in the United States”, Western Regional Trenchless Review, 2009.
- Design Issues for HDD Projects, Part 2, Settlement Risks” Trenchless Technology, 2009.
- HDD Design Issues, Hydrofractures”, Trenchless Technology, February, 2009.
- Managing Settlement Risk during Microtunneling, Trenchless Technology 2009.
Other Publications
- Staheli, Kimberlie, David Bennett, Michael A. Maggi, Michael B. Watson, and Bruce J. Corwin, 1999. “Folsom East 2 Construction Methods Proving Project: Field Evaluation of Alternative Tunneling Methods in Cobbles and Boulders”, Proceedings, 3rd National GeoInstitute Conference, GeoEngineering for Underground Facilities, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 90, Urbana-Champaign, IL, June 1999. Gabriel Fernandez and Robert Bauer, editors.
- Bennett, David; and Cording, Edward J., 1999. “Jacking Loads Associated with Microtunneling”, Proceedings, 3rd National GeoInstitute Conference, Geo-Engineering for Underground Facilities, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 90, Urbana-Champagne, IL, June, 1999. Gabriel Fernandez and Robert Bauer, editors
- Bennett, Robert David, 1998. “Jacking Loads and Ground Deformations Associated with Microtunneling”, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 486pp
- Green, Brian H., Kimberlie Staheli, David Bennett, and Donald M. Walley, 1998. “Fly-ash Based Controlled Low-Strength Material (CLSM) Used for Critical Microtunneling Applications.” ASTM STP 1331, A. K. Howard and J. L. Hitch, editors, American Society for Testing and Materials.
- Staheli, Kimberlie; Bennett, David; O’Donnell, Hugh W.; and Hurley, Timothy J. 1998. “Installation of Pipelines beneath Levees Using Horizontal Directional Drilling” USAE Waterways Experiment Station, Technical Report CPAR-GL-98-1, April, 1998
- Staheli, Kimberlie, David Bennett, Michael A. Maggi, Michael B. Watson, and Bruce J. Corwin, 1999. “Folsom East 2 Construction Methods Proving Project: Field Evaluation of Alternative Tunneling Methods in Cobbles and Boulders: 3rd National GeoInstitute Conference, GeoEngineering for Underground Facilities, Urbana-Champaign, IL, June 1999
- Bennett, David and Kimberlie Staheli, 1997. “Controlled Field Test of Retrievable Microtunneling Machine with Reaming Capabilities”, USAE Waterways Experiment Station, WES Technical Report CPAR-97-1, May, 1997
- Bennett, Robert D., Leslie K. Guice, Salam Khan, and Kimberlie Staheli, 1995. “Guidelines for Trenchless Technology: Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP), Fold-and-Formed Pipe (FFP), Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling, and Microtunneling”, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech University, Technical Report #400, July 1995
- Bennett, Robert D., 1995. “State-of-the-Art Construction Technology for Deep Tunnels and Shafts in Rock”, USAE Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, WES-TR-GL-85-1, reprinted 1995.
- Bennett, Robert D., 1994. “U.S. Microtunnel Trials for Auger and Slurry Systems in a Specially Prepared Test Bed”, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Pipeline Construction, Hamburg, Germany, October, 1994
- Guice, Leslie K., Straughan, T., Norris, C., and Bennett, D., 1994. “Long-Term Structural Behavior of Pipeline Rehabilitation Systems”, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech University, TTC Technical Report No. TTC-302, August 1994
- Khan, Salam, Bennett, D., McCraney, S., Iseley, T., 1994. “Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling: State of the Art Review”, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech University, TTC Technical Report No. TTC-101, June 1994
- Bennett, David, 1994. “Corps of Engineers Guidance for Pipeline Levee Crossings and Proposed Research”, Proceedings 3rd Annual Directional Crossing Contractors Association Symposium, Dallas, Texas, April 1994
- Khan, S., Bennett, D., and Iseley, T., 1994. “Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling Tests at WES”, Proceedings NO-DIG ’94, Dallas, Texas, pp D1:2-24, April 1994
- Bennett, Robert D., Cording, Edward J, and Iseley, Tom, 1994. “Auger and Slurry Microtunneling Tests under Controlled Ground Conditions”, Transportation Research Record, No.1431, pp 75-82, National Academy Press, Washington D.C.
- Bennett, Robert D., Salam Khan, and Tom Iseley, 1994. “Mini-Horizontal Directional Drilling: Field Evaluation at WES”, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech University, Technical Report No.TTC-102