Outfall Sewer Replacement Project

Project Details

EPBM Pipe Jacking

  • BTE produced full design and provided on-site construction inspection services
  • 72-in FRPM, gravity sewer pipelines
  • 200-ft crossing of North Cliff Avenue
  • 350-ft crossing of I-229
  • No claims or CORs

Geotechnical Conditions

  • Moist fill with little gravel transitioning to clay and wet sand (North Cliff Ave.)
  • Sandy clay, clayey sand, and silt (I-229)
  • High groundwater


  • Control groundwater inflow to shafts
  • Difficult geotechnical conditions
  • Cobbles, boulders, and fill debris encountered

Project Overview

BTE served as trenchless subconsultant to HDR on City of Sioux Falls, Outfall Replacement Project. BTE designed two trenchless crossings; I-229 and North Cliff Avenue. The projects were designed as microtunnel, direct jacked 72” nominal Hobas pipe. However, the Contractor, EJM proposed using an EPBM to install 96” steel casing, with the 72” Hobas carrier placed inside. The VE proposal was accepted. BTE planned the geotechnical investigation, including small diameter borings and large test pits and evaluated the results and construction implications. BTE was concerned about cobbles and boulders but was able to complete the crossings. No CORs or DSC claims were filed. BTE also proceeded on-site inspection services.